The DVL 500 Compact combines the compact design of the standard DVL 1000 with the superior bottom-track range of the DVL 500. It can fly higher in the water column and closer to the seabed than similar equipment, enabling small vehicles to do bigger jobs.
With the best balance of size and range in the survey-grade DVL market, the 300m rated DVL 500 Compact is equipped for easy integration with leading INS systems to create a robust, reliable navigation system, tested and proven across AUV, ROV, USV and other platforms. As with all of Nortek’s DVLs, the DVL 500 Compact is compatible with top control software including EIVA, Seebyte and Greensea.
Tested in demanding conditions in the Oslo fjord, the DVL 500 Compact has a proven track record in areas of variable bathymetry and conditions. The water track feature provides a velocity backup if the bottom becomes out of range. The spectrum analyzer assures thorough system level integration.
The DVL 500 Compact provides reliable navigation in the most demanding conditions across multiple platforms. The addition of simultaneous current profiles improves operational safety and allows opportunistic oceanographic data collection.
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BAY DYNAMICS LIMITED is the home of Bay Dynamics NZ (BDNZ), New Zealand’s leading ROV operations, engineering and supply company,