Offshore Digital Video + Inspection systems.
A world leader in offshore digital video recording (DVR) + inspection systems. Digital Edge Subsea develops and manufactures DVR products for use throughout the offshore oil and gas industry including diving, remote operated vehicle (ROV) and topside operations.

The EdgeDVR is currently used worldwide by most of the major ROV and Diving contractors. With our present Version 4 software, we have 6 models. The EdgeDVR has become an essential part of any ROV and Diving system offshore, easy to use and reliable. The system is capable of recording simultaneous High Definition and Standard Definition video, together with auto creation of Dive, Video, Photo and Anomaly logs. Multi channel digital overlay is also available for all recorded channels, logos and realtime survey data can be displayed. With around 500 systems now offshore, we have a proven record of reliability.
Why use EdgeDVR?
The EdgeDVR was originally designed by a pilot and 3.4u inspector that were active within the ROV and diving industry. We felt that the industry needed a simple, standalone solution that fulfils most inspection needs. The system was designed to aid, both the pilots & inspectors and give the client the deliverable required. Reliability offshore is paramount, so we only use top-end hardware and stress test the systems, to give the best performance. All of our systems can be remotely accessed by DES technicians, to aid setup and fault find. With our new version 5 software, due for release later this year, we will be constantly adding support for all major sonar, camera, cathodic potential and ultrasonic measurement systems.

What you want.
- 4 Channel Digital Video Recording (SD/HD/4K)
- Dynamic Digital Overlay
- Auto creation of Dive, Photo, Video and Anomaly Excel Logs
- Live Multibeam Sonar Control And Recording
- Simple Workpack Creation.
- Offline Editing.
- 4 Serial Inputs
- Multi-Channel Photos
- Set Up Wizard
- Simple to Use

Everything and more.
- 4 Channel Digital Video Recording (SD/HD/4K)
- Dynamic Digital Overlay
- Auto creation of Dive, Photo, Video and Anomaly Excel Logs
- Live Multibeam Sonar Control And Recording
- Extended Workpack Creation
- Offline Editing.
- 4 Serial Inputs
- Multi-Channel Photos
- Set Up Wizard
- Simple to Use
- Platform Inspection
- Pipeline Inspection
- Construction
- Drill Support
- Diver Support
- Diving Inspection
- Diving Construction
- FPSO Inspection
- Windfarm Installation and Inspection
- Salvage/Recovery Surveys
- Nuclear Site Operations
Event hot-keys can be configured to match the dive task, these allow the user to add events to the log in realtime. These hot-keys can be changed and altered pre/during and post dive. These events can also be setup in the local language of choice.
Auto-Log Creation.
The EdgeDVR creates the dive, video, photo and anomaly Excel logs, automatically. These logs time and date stamps all events and they also hyperlink the videos, photos and video clips, for instant playback.
Video Format.
The new hardware auto detects PAL and NTSC in standard definition and auto detects the high definition feed. The version 4 software utilises microsoft’s VC1 codec and the new version 5 software will allow the user to choose, between a range of codecs.
Full HD Capacity.
All formats of HD are compatible with the new hardware, up to a resolution of 2k on our HD systems, for 4K, the 4k hardware is needed.
Built-in HD Video Overlay.
Each recorded channel has its own dedicated digital video overlay. The overlay can display all survey/ROV data and can also display contractor and client logos on-screen. The new version 5 software, allows the pilot to view, custom overlay, that is not recorded on the video, via a dedicated pilot output (HDMI).
Combined HD and SD.
The HD and 4K hardware can record 4 channels of any combination of standard definition and high definition video recording. The 4k model records single channel 4k and the remaining 3 channels of SD/HD.
As New Zealand’s distributors for Digital Edge Subsea, we can answer all your enquiries. Please feel free to get in touch with us for more information.